Nicholas A. Lahera
Public Relations Coordinator
(352) 634-2348

Gainesville, FL – Today marks one week from Election Day and Big Daddy Unlimited wants to remind our team and community that voting is not only our right, but our responsibility as freedom-loving Americans.

To that end, The Firearm Industry Trade Association (NSSF) invited Big Daddy Unlimited to aid in their #GunVote campaign to ensure Second Amendment supporters vote and support candidates with similar values. 

NSSF created the #GunVote campaign to “educate hunters, shooters, and gun owners… about where the candidates stand on issues important to them.” They also want to emphasize that we cannot risk our Constitutional rights when we vote.

By visiting, you have the ability to register to vote, understand your options for voting absentee and early, find your polling place, and view the NSSF 2022 Congressional Report Card.

Big Daddy Unlimited is supporting their initiative by placing a banner at the top of our news platform, Big Daddy Intel, placing a banner in our daily customer emails, and displaying printed promotional materials in our Gainesville locations.

Co-founder of Big Daddy Unlimited, Sherrie McKnight shared, “I am excited to lock arms with another organization in the firearms industry dedicated to ensuring that voters have the information they need to support pro-Second Amendment candidates. However, our work cannot stop on Election Day! In Florida, next year, we must pass Constitutional Carry and restore the gun rights stripped away by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act. Federally, we need to reign in agencies without any legislative authority.”

If you have not voted yet, please visit for more information, and make a plan to exercise your rights.


Big Daddy Unlimited advocates strongly for Second Amendment rights because we believe that the right to keep and bear arms exists to protect all of the other God-given rights of American citizens. Become a member today to join our community of freedom-loving Americans, and let’s work together to support and defend our Second Amendment rights.

Nicholas L

Big Daddy Unlimited - Public Relations Coordinator | American Gun Coalition - Engagement Strategist

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