Picture this: You are burdened and trapped living in a poverty-stricken, mob-ruled, lawless, metropolitan area. POP, POP, POP. Your daily alarm shoots a tingle down your spine making your hairs stand on edge–it’s normal. Nearly every day you wake up to the ringing of gunshots echoing through the brick buildings in adjacent blocks. POP, POP. There it goes again. And again, and again, and again. It will continue into the cold of the night. 

POP, POP, POP. This cacophonic sound rings in your head, intoxicating your thoughts. You beg for a means to protect yourself. POP, POP. Every booming discharge reminds you of the impossibility of obtaining a concealed carry permit in your “may-issue” state. That doesn’t stop criminals. 

The Unfortunate Reality

You pray that your family does not become a statistic. Thinking about the headline torments you–Family Murdered by Criminal with Extensive Violent History. Gun laws protect criminals, and criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens in large cities. 

Also Check Out: Yet Another Gun Control Bill Wasting Money, Attacking Our Rights

For those of us who live in the real world, we know that ill intentions are going to be prevalent so long as the behavior is acceptable and so long as there is man to inhabit the Earth. If you remove a means for self-defense, criminals become empowered and emboldened. 

The Truth

First, remember the old platitude, “When seconds count, the police are always minutes (or hours) away.” Ultimately, you are responsible for the well-being and safety of you and your family. “Woke” political operators have no respect for law enforcement and are degrading the structure of cities nationwide. Remember, police presence acts as a preventative measure for crime. As it stands today, they are so short-staffed that they no longer prevent crime or provide much aid once it occurs. You are on your own. 

Second, as if not having enough law enforcement wasn’t a problem enough, district attorneys across this country refuse to prosecute on the laws. A prime example of this is newly-elected Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg who is allowing for New York to be ravaged by criminals daily.

Not only does he refuse to bring forth justice, he intends to cap sentences at 20 years for the most extreme circumstances (i.e. murder). What does that mean for you? Criminals can rule New York with an iron fist putting your safety and well-being at risk. 

Some people may make the argument, I don’t live in New York so I don’t have to worry. WRONG. This is occurring all over the country, and you are at risk. I could bore you with countless examples, but I want to dive into one: Baltimore Arsonist Admits “I Shouldn’t Be Out Right Now.”

It is a sad day in America when criminals have more common sense than our elected officials. This man knows he is a danger to society–and should be in jail–but roams free. Not every felon is going to have as much sense, and they will continue their reign of terror. 

What Can You Do?

1. Learn the firearms laws for your area (many states allow local municipalities to create their own laws). The only way to protect yourself is to know what your rights are, and the best way to defend yourself.

2. Find a firearm that you are comfortable using and concealing. Once purchased, practice, practice, practice, AND practice.

3. Have a strategy that answers the following questions:

A. Where can I keep my firearm that will give me the best access against intruders?

B. How can I store my firearm that will also keep my family safe?

C. What steps should I take to properly assess the level of force I need?

D. What are my options for concealment, and what does my area allow?

4. Protect yourself against a malicious prosecutor waiting to sentence you for legally defending yourself. One way is to be a member of Big Daddy Unlimited, and take advantage of our 2A benefits. These include $50,000 in accidental unintentional gunshot death benefits and $50,000 in 2nd Amendment legal support.

5. Become an advocate for the Second Amendment at the local, state, and national levels. If there is a law that you do not agree with, it is your duty to organize against it.

6. Practice and preach the four cardinal rules of firearms safety.

A. Always treat firearms as if they are loaded.

B. Keep your finger off the trigger until it’s time to shoot.

C. Never point a firearm at anything you’re not willing to destroy.

D. Always know what is in front and behind your intended target.

Big Daddy Unlimited supports responsible gun ownership and provides firearm safety and educational content. We also have guns, gear, ammo, and accessories at prices you can live with!

Nicholas L

Big Daddy Unlimited - Public Relations Coordinator | American Gun Coalition - Engagement Strategist

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