Let’s start with the stats for the day:

  • More than a half marathon walked (13.3 miles to be exact)
  • Two marketing classes taken to create an even better customer experience.
  • Saw at least 100 booths, but still haven’t scratched the surface of everything.
  • I am probably up to about 5 or 6 new patches (rookie numbers).
  • AND, most importantly, I am already down $50 which is all I have played. Tough luck.

My first impression of SHOT Show is that it is wildly overstimulating and much more grandiose than I imagined. I knew that SHOT was big, but I never imagined it like this, and as I mentioned in the stats, I barely made a dent in everything to see.


If I am being completely honest, I was thoroughly surprised to see how massive this industry is and how extensive everything it has to offer is. So massive, in fact, I really only glanced at every booth. Even more surprising was seeing entire sections dedicated to other nation’s industry companies; I believe I saw Italy, Germany, and Turkey, and probably missed a few others. I am hoping to see more products and speak to more company reps today. I figured that the first day of SHOT really was just soaking in everything that it has to offer.

It was great speaking to someone in gunsmithing school and a few “mom and pop” retailers. I am a strong advocate for grassroots and hearing their perspective helps me create a more well-rounded opinion on the industry and how we can form our brand into a tool.

A personal highlight for the day was trying In-N-Out for the first time. Sorry to our east coast audience, you are missing out. Also, as a marketer, I have loved that Vegas highlights the experience. It is known for its moniker as “Sin City” which really discounts the fact that every attraction is built for peak enjoyment by its audience. I am not promising volcanos or dinners in the Eiffel Tower, but it has got me thinking about all of the ways that we can make Big Daddy Guns into a full experience. 

Today, I am looking forward to a press conference with POMA which is the Professional Outdoor Media Association. These should provide great industry insight and help curate content for our entire team as we go forward. I also have the SHOT University class, “Best Practices for Meta Ads and Content.” Let’s see what else today has to offer. See you tomorrow.

Big Daddy Unlimited advocates strongly for Second Amendment rights because we believe that the right to keep and bear arms exists to protect all of the other God-given rights of American citizens. Become a member today to join our community of freedom-loving Americans, and let’s work together to support and defend our Second Amendment rights.

Nicholas L

Big Daddy Unlimited - Public Relations Coordinator | American Gun Coalition - Engagement Strategist

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